11th November 2021

What is NP360?

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New Possible’s next generation NP360 assessment helps you access the kind of people insight that will help to power your organisation forward. Developed using proven techniques from leaders such as the World Health Organisation, NP360 is designed for any business that wants to better navigate the new normal.

In this article we take a deep dive into NP360, including the benefits of a holistic approach, our 7 themes and how we turn employee feedback into meaningful and relevant insight.

A holistic view of your people experience

Many of our feelings and thoughts rest below the surface. They’re often difficult to put into words, such as our sense of meaning and purpose, and we’re unlikely to discuss them unprompted. Topics including wellbeing can also be difficult for us to talk about openly.

Nonetheless, these underlying themes can have a big effect on our performance at work. That’s why we’ve developed a holistic approach to employee insight. NP360 objectively assesses your people across seven themes, delving deeper into areas of the people experience that are often neglected by traditional survey approaches.

For example, when an employee describes a competitive environment, what influence is this having on their professional relationships and work-life balance? NP360 captures this impact and more, providing the big picture needed to help you develop a winning culture and people experience.

Meet our 7 themes

Our NP360 benchmarking survey assesses your people across 7 interrelated themes to provide you with a holistic understanding of your greatest asset.

  • Satisfaction: Artificial intelligence identifies which aspects of the people experience are the biggest drivers of satisfaction
  • Wellbeing: Assesses both mental and general wellbeing using an approach developed by the World Health Organisation
  • Balance: The pandemic has further blurred the line between work and home. This theme assesses your people’s perceptions of work-life balance and how it can be improved
  • Relationships: Explores the quality of working relationships and whether employees have experienced toxic behaviour
  • Culture: Explores perceptions of organisational culture, including whether the organisation values honesty, listens to feedback and acts in the best interests of customers
  • Purpose: Measures how aligned your people are to the organisation and whether they find their work meaningful
  • Engagement: Using a validated approach, this theme measures how energised, enthusiastic, and absorbed employees are by their work

In addition to the above 7 themes, NP360 also includes an optional fatigue assessment, inspired by technology used onboard the International Space Station.

Meet Our 7 Themes - New Possible

Real-time insight that’s both meaningful and relevant

Unlike traditional half-yearly or annual employee surveys, the always-on nature of our 10-minute NP360 assessment enables a real-time view of employees, so that you can proactively respond to changes within your workforce.

Insight is available 24/7 through a dashboard, allowing you to monitor trends and use our AI to drill-down and understand what’s really driving employee’ satisfaction and loyalty.

The standardised nature of the NP360 assessment means that you can benchmark teams and compare your people performance against the market, by industry type and demographics.

Dashboard Demo - New Possible

On occasion, you may want to dive deeper into a specific area of your people experience. With our custom survey builder, you can add questions to the NP360, create a unique question set, or choose from a library of expertly crafted pulse surveys.

Although our platform makes it easy to discover meaningful insight, you also have unlimited access to our insight specialists, who are on hand to help you every step of the way.

Key Takeaways

When shaping a strategy for employee voice, leaders often ask the following:

  • What questions should we include?
  • How can we encourage our people to give honest feedback?
  • How can we achieve a good response rate?
  • How do we turn feedback into valuable insight?

That’s why we developed the NP360 assessment. Its holistic and always-on approach covers a broad range of themes that influence productivity, happiness, and engagement. It takes just 10 minutes for your employees to complete, and its independence and anonymity thresholds provide the psychological safety that encourages your people to say what they really think.

Our dashboard then converts this feedback into meaningful insight and delivers a real-time view of your workforce, whilst the standardised nature of the assessment allows for extensive benchmarking.

New Possible is the next generation employee insight platform that helps to unlock the competitive advantage of your people. Book a demo to learn more or read about our mission.

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