22nd April 2024

Case Study: Making a Positive Difference

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Industry: Law

About The MAPD Group: The MAPD Group has big ambitions. They’re building a group of successful law firms across the country, propelled by a single compelling idea: Making A Positive Difference. It’s a belief that motivates them, leading them to deliver high quality work for their clients, rooting them deeply in their communities and ultimately fuelling business performance.

The challenge

The MAPD Group were seeking a scalable and flexible way of regularly collecting, analysing, and reporting on employee voice across their rapidly expanding portfolio. This involved creating a custom feedback and insight solution that was aligned with their organisational values.

Results at a glance

  • A consolidated view across a portfolio of 8+ law firms (and growing!)
  • A 75%+ average quarterly response rate
  • Support in fulfilling the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s (SRA) diversity data requirements

“In one of our businesses we introduced a new policy and through our listening survey we discovered in practical terms the policy didn’t work for everyone. Following the feedback, we were able to run focus groups and fine tune the policy which means it’s now a lot more inclusive. The nature of the policy means gathering that feedback through another channel would have been really difficult, but we’ve been able to customise our surveys with two free text questions which means we can get feedback exactly like that in an anonymous and positive way.” – Betti Mayhew, The MAPD Group


New Possible works with The MAPD Group as an extension of their people team. This involves regular in-person sessions and direct access to a dedicated insight specialist who understands their organisation’s unique needs and is 100% committed to their success.

1. Survey preparation

New Possible collaborated with The MAPD Group to launch a question set that aligns with their organisation’s vision and values, based on the principle of ‘Making a Positive Difference’. The brief survey, which only takes a few minutes to complete, also includes two open text questions which provide deep insight into the key drivers behind their scores.

2. Feedback collection

Each quarter, New Possible sends initial and targeted reminder emails to employees at each portfolio firm across a two-week window. Granular response rates are regularly shared with The MAPD Group to help promote ongoing feedback collection. Feedback is subject to strict anonymity thresholds, encouraging honest and actionable responses.

3. Results and analysis

New Possible worked closely with The MAPD Group to create a bespoke insight dashboard that displays a benchmarkable view of their people experience at both a portfolio and firm level.

Working with New Possible

Betti Mayhew Quote - The MAPD Group - Case Study - New Possible

“My favourite thing about working with New Possible is how responsive and kind the team is. From last minute questions at 4:55pm on a Friday, to the big development projects which have changed the game for how we listen to our people. Every time we’ve had an idea or issue, no matter how big or small, New Possible have been fantastic in working with us to find solutions. It really feels like we’re in safe hands, and the knowledge and know-how the team at New Possible brings is next level. Working with New Possible has really felt like a partnership, one where we aren’t just a number or client file but have a relationship built on trust and understanding.”

About New Possible

New Possible is the people insight platform that’s committed to your success. We work with a range of sectors to provide clear, actionable, and benchmarkable insights across the employee lifecycle. Our NP360 survey helps leaders gain meaningful insight into the broader people experience, measuring 7 themes, including satisfaction, culture, and wellbeing. Read about our mission, or book a demo to learn more.

If you’d like to discuss this case study further, please email hello@newpossible.io or call 0161 706 0618.

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